Expert shares top tips on getting your baby to sleep - Wales Online

2022-07-15 23:56:49 By : Ms. Luna OMASKA

These could help if you're struggling to get the little 'un to sleep

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One of the biggest issues most parents find is getting into a sleep pattern that works for them. If not, it can feel as though you face an eternity of sleepless nights, and it can be hard to see the light at the end of a good-night's sleep tunnel.

Baby's sleep cycles particularly can drastically change as they grow older. And what works for one child may not necessarily work for another.

There can also be a whole host of factors that mean the little ones might not sleep soundly. But, Sally Bonser, Silentnight sleep expert, has now shared her top tips for getting babies a good night's kip.

Sally said: “What happens in the hours before bedtime can impact what happens at night-time. It is important to create a soothing environment that will help your baby to feel sleepy. Ensure the lights are dimmed, the TV is on a low volume, and household noise is kept to a minimum."

Sally continues, “For a lot of parents, knowing how to keep your baby warm at night can be a concern, especially since NHS guidelines advise that it is unsafe for a child under 12 months to sleep with a blanket. Using a baby sleep bag is a great way to ensure that your little one is cosy and knows that it’s time for bed."

Sally adds, “A great secret to a successful bedtime routine is a relaxing bath. Once out the warm water, our body temperature slightly drops, which tells us it’s time for bed. Finish bath time with the snuggle Silentnight Safe Nights Bamboo Hooded Towel, which is perfectly soft, absorbent, and kind to the skin”.